Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"May"-hem :) Lots of Info for this month

I can't believe it is already MAY!!!! It is a busy time at the end of the school year and I am sure everyone is trying to juggle their own schedules so I am going to try to do a run down for the rest of the month. This week is a normal dance week-come at your scheduled day/time. Next week, on Tuesday the 10th from 2:45pm-4:00pm and Wednesday the 11th from 4:15-5:00pm you can come pick up costumes at the studio. You can only pick up if your tuition/costume balance is $0. I will try to send out statements this week so you know where you stand. I am not handing them out during class times because I would like your child to try on costumes while I am there so that you are familiar with what/how they will be wearing their costumes for the recital. Please bring a garment back/hangers or suitcase to put costumes in. I will have costumes still in original packages in a small grocery bag so once they are opened you do not want to lose anything. Please put your child's name on each costume piece. Class times for that week will be normal. The next week we will have a rehearsal at Snowcrest Junior High, but because of time we won't be able to do a full rehearsal with costumes etc. so come with regular dance attire. Here are the times for each class. On Wednesday, May 18th- 5-6yr class will meet at 2:45-3:45pm at the Junior High. We had to push it up an hour because the Junior High doesn't get let out of school until 2:30pm. DancExcel will rehearse in the gym from 3:45-4:45pm. On Thursday, the preschool class will rehearse at Snowcrest from 2:45-3:45pm, DancElect 3:45-4:45pm and DancElite 4:45-5:45pm. Then Wednesday, May 25th, is our Year End Recital @ Snowcrest Junior High. We will start promptly at 6:30pm so everyone needs to be there and ready no later than @ 6pm. Greg Anderson is doing the videography again this year. He does a fabulous professional job and so make sure you fill out your DVD order at the front table when you arrive. He only charges $12 per DVD and they get mailed to your home. He takes cash/checks. I NEED HELPERS FOR RECITAL NIGHT!!!! To make the night run smooth and so parents can enjoy the recital I am asking for each child in the preschool class to find someone to help your child change costumes between dances. Find someone they know and are comfortable with and is old enough to be helpful-and it needs to be a girl since boys will not be allowed back by the changing area. For 5-6yr old class I am looking for 6 helpers since they have a large class. Let me know if anyone has someone that is willing to come and help. I will be looking for helpers also but I would rather have too many than not enough:) Recital Hair for Preschool and 5-6yr old class is down and curled with sides back. Other classes will do hair that they did at competition. Hope everyone is practicing at home....I push the envelope a little trying to cram 3 dances into a recital when most studios do 1 dance per 1 hour class....:/ but they CAN do it!!!! Just need to practice:)
Summer Schedule will be coming out soon!!!!! We have our annual parade camp for Huntsville 4th of July parade, Princess Camps, and then some fun workshops and intensives throughout the summer. Those that are interested in doing a competition class next year will be required to come to different workshops since that is how I will decide how to place individuals in the right level/team for next year. There will be different opportunities so that if you are gone for some you can make others. I am interested in starting a mini comp class for 6-7yr olds but want to see what interest there is. They will be required to do at least 2 hours per week and attend 1 to 2 competitions in the spring so please leave comments/feedback if interested.

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