Wednesday, May 8, 2019

End of Year Dance Schedule

Fri and Sat May 10-11th -Aspire Dance Competition @ Skyline High School
for dancElite- danceExcel- and dancEnvy

Monday May 13th-Regular Dance Schedule

Tuesday May 14th- Preschool practices @ SJH gym 2:30-3:00pm
dancElite practices @ SJH gym 3:00-4:00pm
dancElect practices @ SJH gym 4:00-5:00pm

Wednesday May 15th- Ballet practices @ SJH gym 2:30-3:00pm
Jazz practices @ SJH gym 3:00-3:30pm
dancEnvy and dancExcel practices @ gym 3:30-5:30pm

Thursday May 16th- Regular Dance Schedule

Friday May 17- YEAR END REVIEW!!! Snowcrest Junior High Gym-Be there by 5:30pm
Show starts @ 6pm starting with Solos/Duet

Saturday May 18- Gotta Move Dance Competition @ Timpanogos High School
For dancElite- dancElect- dancExcel- and dancEnvy

Wednesday May 22- LAST CLASS!- Dance Party for ages 3-10 yr olds @ Eden Park 1:45-3:45pm
Games! Dance Party! Awards! Drawings! Snacks/Treats

Pizza Party for dancElite and dancElect (11 and older) TBD

Monday, January 28, 2019

Competition Dates and Competition and Costume Fees DUE!

We are well into the  new year and some good things happening in classes. I have posted the competition dates in the studio, but for those who haven't seen it they are April 26-27th and May 10-11th and Year End Dance Review middle/end of May. Either week of 20th or last week of school which I am trying to avoid. Right now I really need to register for competitions. I can only do that if I have all the funds and as of now I haven't even received half of the 1st costume payment from half of the students and the other costume payment is due this month so please- do that now.  I have already purchased most of all the costumes using my own funds so please get that taken care of. I will need all competition fees paid by next week. $30 per student/dance and any solo fees which are around $90-Duets $60 per person. If your child is doing 3 dances- it will be $90 times 2 for 2 competitions. Please pay those ASAP. Competitions fill up fast and once they are full we are Out of luck. I have all other financial statements that your child will receive this week or next. Please get paid up so there is a $0 balance. This is the worst part of my job but it is necessary to run a successful program. Thanks