Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Fall Festival Performance and Solo Information.

Our studio has been asked to perform at the Fall Festival Fundraiser this year. It will be held Thursday, October 26th at Snowcrest Junior High.  All Tuesday, Wednsday, and Thursday classes except for the Preschool class, will be dancing to Calling All The Monsters. They will need to dress up as some sort of Halloween Monster. I don't have the exact time we are performing yet so stay tuned. The Preschool class will need a Trick-or-Treat bucket and can dress up however they would like.  Please start bringing the buckets to class so they can practice with them.  If you are not able to make the performance please let me know ahead of time.  It shouldn't cost anything to come in and perform but wrist bands are available to purchase to do all of the games, booths, inflatables, etc. There is usually food you can purchase and tickets for the Spook Alley also. When we get a performance time set I will let you know what time all the dancers need to meet in the gym. Last time one of the girls didn't perform because she was going through the spook Alley and she was really sad.....
If you are wanting to do a solo this year it is NOW is the time to start signing up.  Please do so by texting whomever you would like to choreograph your solo. Contact info will be posted at the end of this post. Solo practice days/ times will be set up individually with you and your choreographer.  If you know what genre/style of dance your child would like to do or even have a song picked out-you most likely can get started ASAP.
 Solo fees are as follows:
$100- 1 time choreography fee-includes lessons to learn all of the routine. Lessons to clean routine after the routine is taught will be extra, and the fees per hour will be set by the choreographer.
$50- 1 time studio rental fee.
$150 TOTAL for SOLO FEE. Fee's are to be paid directly to your individual choreographer.
Costume's will be left up to the individual. I have costume catalogs you are welcome to order from but will need to contact me if you are interested. Those whom are competing with their Solo's must pay fees before I can register them for that competition.

 Cheyenne Crafton-(801)600-4622
                                                   Savannah Holbrook-(801)389-3003
                                                    Celeste McKinney-(801)682-6390