Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Happy Valentines Day!!! Hope everyone has a special day with loved ones today!  I need to do some housekeeping. I sent home a sheet for competition fees and have only received a few payments back.  Competition fees were due in January and are now late.  When I was checking out routines in the shopping cart the routines were actually more than I stated on earlier posts.  It must not have been updated when I took the information from their website previously.  The new fees are Releve $33 per routine-3 routines = $99   Aspire $23 per routine - 3 routines = $69  Both competitions together equal $168.  Solo routines- Releve $105 and Aspire $82. Your child will not be registered for a solo unless they pay in advance. If you need me to order a solo costume I will need a costume order and size with payment in advance before I purchase.  These should be done ASAP since some costumes could take a few months to fill out order. My costume magazines are in the studio and you are welcome to order from any of them.  I am also missing costume payments.  I have purchased the bulk of costumes but still need to order more and need the funds to purchase those. If you don't know where you stand payment wise just text me or see me during class and I can check for you.  We are winding down till our competitions and year end review in May. I have a tentative schedule to have the Dance Recital on Friday, May 12th @ 6:30pm. If there are any huge conflicts please get in touch ASAP.  I have had lots of kids absent and it is hard to push forward in routines when I don't have a consistent role.  Please make every effort  to have your child at class every week so that they can have a good experience and it not be overwhelming to catch up. That is it for now-Thank YOU!