Friday, November 20, 2015

Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

I hope all of you have a Wonderful and Safe Thanksgiving Break next week. Remember, because of the Holiday, there will be no classes held next week:) Also, a student is missing a dance shoe. If you happen to find an extra one that you accidentally brought home please bring it back to the studio. I am starting to get a Lost and Found Collection in the Locker. Please look through and see if anything is yours, otherwise they will be taking a trip to DI soon:) I feel like I am in a good place this year. I have ordered almost ALL of the costumes for the classes/dances. My order should be coming in TODAY!-YEAH! I will add up the costume costs for each class thus far, and then you can start making payments ASAP-So look for an E-mail within the next week for Costume Cost. Anything Extra that I order, I will notify you as I do so, and that will be added to the balance as I make those purchases. I still have a lot that still owe for DancElation shirts. Remember preschoolers $8 and everyone else $10. I also still need registration papers from some of you too. If you keep forgetting to put payment in payment box at my studio you can also make out a check to Celeste McKinney and mail payment to: 1931 S. River Run Drive, Huntsville, UT 84317 Thank YOU!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Competition Date Mix-Up- SORRY!

Thank you to an observant parent who noticed a discrepancy in the first post I sent about Utah Dance Fest Competition and the most recent post where I put Save the Date. The actual Date for Utah Dance Fest Floor Competition is APRIL 15th and 16th-NOT in March as stated in my last post. Please update that info on your calendar. That is for DancExcel, DancElect and DancElite. So sorry! Don't know how I mixed that up.
Reminder-DancElect and DancElite have make up class this Friday. DancElect 1:45-3:45 and DancElite 2:45-5:45. So Class 2 days in a row! Yay!:)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Reminders....Costumes....and Competition Classes SAVE THE DATE!

All Classes are cancelled for tomorrow. Regarding DancElect and DancElite make-up class, from those that responded on which day worked best, next Friday the 13th (uh-oh sounds like bad luck, better not jinx myself ;) won. So, next Thursday will be regular scheduled practice, and then next-day, Friday, make up day. It is an early out day for the elementary so DancElect will meet at 1:45pm-3:45pm and Dance Elite 2:45pm-5:45pm. I have purchased some costumes already, and have other costumes picked out to order. I will be measuring next week to get sizes. I usually don't have parents pay costume fees until May, but I acrue interest on those purchases I have made throughout the year and believe it or not, I have people that don't pay at all and I end up eating that cost-So....I am suggesting to parents, it would be better to add at least an extra $10-$20 onto monthly tuition-then when I figure final costume cost/payment, it won't be as big of a burden. Competition Classes first competition is Dance Fest Utah in Logan, April 15th and 16th @ USU campus. That will involve DancExcel, DancElect, and DancElite. DancElect and DancElite will be doing a 2nd Competition with Aspire Dance Pro, and because the WSU comp is the weekend of our Spring Break, we will either do the Cottonwood(6th-7th) or Taylorsville(13th-14th) Comp in May- SO SAVE THE DATE AND MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!!!! Note that competitions usually have solos/duets etc on the Friday and Team comp on the Saturday. If there is conflict I need to know ASAP!!! So, costume/shoe fees, March competition fees, will be due probably in January. Each comp class is performing 3 different routines, therefore, 3 different costumes. Each costume average at least $30- that should give you a ball park to plan around. Just giving you a heads up so you can plan accordingly. All other classes, I will be asking for costume payment BEFORE recital-and this year you will not receive costumes unless paid for beforehand. I know this may sound excess to some of you, but if you asked other parents whose kids are dancing in other studios, you will find pretty easily that they are paying closer to $75-$100 per costume....:/ K...That is it for now-I am seeing some good progress is technique in my dancers-hope they are having fun! thank you!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Last Minute Plans........

If you don't know me, you should know I am really great at making last minute plans:) It usually doesn't affect my dance classes but this week it will. I have a niece that was diagnosed when she was a baby with a genetic terminal disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants and young children and there is currently no treatment or cure. Believe it or not, SMA has even effected our little valley. For those that know the Schilke family, their son Kyle was born with SMA and just passed away a year ago. He was in Hailey's grade:) For the last 5 years my sister and other family members have participated in the Santa Barbara Marathon to raise money and awareness to SMA. This year is particularly special because my sister is going to actually be pushing her daughter/my niece in the marathon in tribute to a fellow SMA family who used to push their SMA daughter in the marathon whom just passed away this August. Though I will not be running :).....I felt the desire to come support my niece/sister and all other family members that are running. So here is a link that I thought I would share about my sister's marathon/fundraising page if you feel so inclined to visit:) So, because we are leaving Thursday morning, I have to change my classes for this Thursday. (Affects Thursday classes only!) My preschool class will be meeting, tomorrow, this Tuesday, from 2:45-3:45pm. DancElect and DancElite will be having a make-up day either Friday November 13th (early out day)November after school 1:45-5:45 or Saturday Morning November 14th 9am-1pm. Parents of Comp class-please message me what will work better so I can make a decision to make sure I get most dancers there. Sorry for inconvenience-Thank you for your time. Spread the word:)