Sunday, September 13, 2015

Great 1st week!!

Yeah!! A great first week to our dance year. All classes are working on a simple fun performance for Snowcrest Junior High Fall Festival that will be held toward the end of October. I will let you know more once I am made aware of the details. I have copies of the enrollment form at the studio if you still need to fill one out. Also, last week, the director of Utah Dance Fest informed me they were canceling the workshop for this Saturday due to unforeseen circumstances :/ She felt so bad and I was soooo disappointed. So, for all those that had signed up, so sorry. We will definitely be doing some workshops next year. She was nice and mailed a small gift to all those who had signed up. I will get those to you this week. Keep working hard at home on the things that you learned this week. See you soon!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

DancElation Studio 2015-16

The New Studio Space is about 100% in functioning mode. The cosmetics will come slowly but surely. Excited for this new space and new dance season. Please invite friends/neighbors who might be interested in dance to check out my blog or my new facebook page-DancElation. I had a flyer at Valley Market and Valley Elementary but "mysteriously" they have both disappeared as of Friday:/ Anyways, there are still openings and a great dance year ahead of us. I will be listing class days/times again just to remind you. Bring necessary forms and fees to first class. Proper dance attire- shoes not necessary other than comp classes and ballet classes but shoe orders available to all interested. I will have more on that later. See you soon! Registration Fee- $3o Monthly Tuition Fees 1 hr - $35 1 1/2 hr - $52 2 hr- $65 3 hr- $88 4 hr- $108 4 1/2 hr-$117 5 hr-$124 *Reminder- you can take off $5 per additional child Tuesdays Ballet Technique-4-5:30pm Ballet Performance-5:30-7pm Wednesdays- Kindergarten-1st grade-1:45-2:45pm DancExcel-2nd-4th grades-2:45-4:15pm DancEnvy-12 and older 4:15-6:15pm 4th-6th grades-6:15-7:15pm Thursdays Preschool-2:45-3:45pm DancElect-3:45-5:45pm DancElite-4:45-7:45pm